My Blog List

Here is a blog where I post links to things I've been reading on the web. From time to time I'll also add comments. And I invite comments from anyone out there. Comment on the readings, comment on the comments, comment on my comments. Fly at it!

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Site of Interest

Sign and Sight
The subtitle is "Arts, Essays, Ideas from Germany". If, like me, you don't read or speak German, this site is a great source for articles from German newspapers and magazines. Main emphasis is on politics, cultural issues, and the arts.

Build it and they will take over

Trading Places
Management guru Peter Drucker gives an overview of the complexities of multiple world economies, all of which began in the States. No matter how you cut it, most of what's in the world's interest doesn't seem to be in the best interests of the US.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Cheaters are good for education?

How cheating helps drive better instruction
According to someone named Greg van Belle, cheating can improve education by driving teachers to change the way they create assignments. The day I visited the site all of the ads along the side were for essay mills. Hmm, what conclusion will young minds draw?

Monday, March 28, 2005

Is Frantz Fanon Still Relevant?

The Chronicle: 3/18/2005: Is Frantz Fanon Still Relevant?
Homi K. Bhabha is sort of sure, but then again, maybe not. Have globalisation and the wired world made struggles for national determination obsolete? Sounds to me he's being seduced by the dark side.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

ipod, therefore ??

New York Seen by Laura Conaway
Ipods are drawing a lot of criticism as isolating, expensive status symbols. Now they are inspiring street art.
I wear mine at the gym so I don't have to listen to the crappy music they play over their sound system.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The perfect education system?

New Statesman - Inside Islam's ''terror schools''
What happens when students and faculty have a perfectly shared vision? In the madrasas of Pakistan everyone "knows" right from wrong. Of course, no women need apply.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Site of Interest

I've discovered this very interesting online journal called the Electronic Journal of Radical Organizational Theory which comes out of the University of Waikato in New Zealand. I've been in college administration for about 6 years, and have always felt a little out of place, because I've "risen" through the ranks and am not a trained administrator. EJROT is a refreshing change from the neo-con, consumerist pose struck by most management theorists.
The article by Mary Boyce, listed below, is from this site.

Site of Interest


Gramscian activism meets public administration policy

At the nexus: The transformative practice of public administration Dr. Lisa A. Zanetti Assistant Professor
The received wisdom in schools of public administration is that you work from theoretical models and apply them to something called "real life". What if we were to ask the "real" people what they thought was important in their lives and build policy based on their experiences? Who would need all those highly paid experts?

Now that I have tenure I'll tell you what I really think!

Teaching critically as an act of praxis and resistance
by: Mary E. Boyce

What happens when a post modernist takes a job teaching in a school of management? A crisis of conscience and identity. Great motivation for a soul searching article:"this paper presents an overview of critical pedagogy, shares examples of taking a critical perspective in the teaching of management and organization studies, and considers teaching as an arena of praxis and resistance."

It hurts to self-assess

Learning Abstracts, March 2001, Volume 4, Number 2: "LEARNING FROM THE LEARNING COLLEGES:
Kay McClenney

The "League for Innovation" is an organization of (mostly) American community colleges. A few years ago they launched an intiative to create "the learning college," using a select number of "vanguard" colleges as test adopters of theories put forward by Terry O'Banion. This article is an update on the project. Read between the lines for the true story.