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Here is a blog where I post links to things I've been reading on the web. From time to time I'll also add comments. And I invite comments from anyone out there. Comment on the readings, comment on the comments, comment on my comments. Fly at it!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Google ads mismatches

As a part of my endless, and largely pointless, web surfing I recently came across a site dedicated to Trepanation: the practice of removing a small bit of bone from the skull and, in effect, making a hole in the head which is eventually covered over by skin. Neurosurgeons often perform the procedure as part of an operation. This particular web site, though, touts trepanation as an end in itself, as an "alternative" form of medical treatment.
Anyway, I noticed that the site had an "ads by Gooooogle" box in the right column and that one of the ads was "Drill holes in tile fast". I couldn't help but wonder, first why google would want to associate its advertisers with such a site, and second, would any true believer in trepanation follow up and buy a porcelain drill bit to relieve the pressure in his head?
There's a fad in here somewhere: find and record silly or tasteless google ad mismatches.

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