My Blog List

Here is a blog where I post links to things I've been reading on the web. From time to time I'll also add comments. And I invite comments from anyone out there. Comment on the readings, comment on the comments, comment on my comments. Fly at it!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Feeble logic in support of Wal-Mart

The Wall Street Journal has an editorial explaining why unions would be bad for Wal-Mart. The logic is that Wal-Mart sells to poor people; unionization would raise prices; unionization would hurt poor people. Huh? Aren't a lot of Walmart workers poor people? In fact, about 1% of the American workforce, according to the Journal, is employed by Wal-Mart. Wouldn't it help the economy, and create jobs, if suddenly 1% of the workforce (plus their spouses and dependents) were to have more money to spend on consumer goods?
There have been a couple of popular books out attacking the marketing giant lately. Check out How Walmart is Destroying America
and The Case Against Wal-Mart

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